As a business executive for whom English is not your first language, giving a business speech in English is a daunting task.
While public speaking is a common anxiety for many of us, this anxiety can be exacerbated when English is not your first language. Here are four proactive strategies you can implement to help overcome your public speaking nerves and make a more professional and eloquent impression at work.
#1 Don’t let the Fear of Making a Mistake Hold you Back
My top tip for public speaking is simple: do not be afraid to make mistakes. For the most part, people are very understanding. But, don’t let their understanding stop you from striving to improve your English skills.
When speaking to colleagues and clients, it is imperative you are understood and engaging. Speak slowly, prepare your notes in advance, and be sure to practice your presentation with trusted native English speakers, in your office. Preparing in advance will help you feel more confident when speaking English at work, especially in high-pressure situations like a company or client presentation. Be aware that your colleagues want you to do well and to succeed.
#2 Work on Your Business English Language Skills with a Language Coach
One of the best ways to improve your English language skills in the workplace is to work with a language coach, who specifically focuses on business communication. A language coach can identify the specific English speaking and writing skills that fit with your role, your company, and your organization. As well, a coach will assess your level of English.
As a language coach specializing in business communication for executives, I work with your existing skill set and I address gaps in your English communication skills. We work not only on public speaking, but also on written business communication that applies to your specific industry. Working with a coach is an excellent way to integrate a tailored approach to your learning English and to your professional development.
#3 Practice Makes Perfect
For anyone struggling with public speaking in English (or any language for that matter), practice really does make perfect. While you might always feel nervous or shy before public speaking, practicing often will help to minimize those feelings and build your confidence. Some of my favourite ways to practice public speaking include:
#1. Watching YouTube videos or listening to podcasts about public speaking is a very effective way to learn. There are a lot of free resources available to help native and non-native English speakers improve their public speaking skills. In addition, listening to English content will help to expand your language skills. It will also help make you more comfortable hearing and translating the English language.
#2. Join an online class or cohort of like-minded colleagues to practice and learn more about public speaking skills in English.
#3. Practice, practice, practice! The only true way to combat public speaking nerves is to keep trying. Here are some great ways you can continue to practice your public speaking skills and reduce your nervousness, over time, when speaking English at work.
Practice your presentation in front of a peer or a trusted colleague.
Video yourself practicing your presentation; then review it to identify which things
you need to improve.Volunteer to do small presentations in meetings. These smaller presentations can help you to gain confidence, so you are ready when bigger opportunities arise.
#4 Find ways to Combat Your Public Speaking Anxiety
Public speaking anxiety is a common issue for many business professionals regardless if English is your first language or not. There are several helpful articles and tips for business executives who may experience nervousness or anxiety before public speaking. These tips will help you take small, manageable steps to sharpen your speaking skills, no matter what languages you speak.
Some of my favourite articles include these two recent ones from Forbes: Take Small Steps To Unleash Your Public-Speaking Skills In 2021 and Four Steps To Sharpen Your Public-Speaking Skills.
Schedule a 30 Minute Complimentary Meeting to meet Sandra via phone or video. Find out if you both are a good fit to work together. Come to the call with your questions and what business communications challenges you’d like to get help with.