A few words can paint a thousand pictures. It’s what came to mind when I saw the following slogan in big bold font, in the Financial Post: We Are Audience Experts.
The phrase, “We Are Audience Experts,” perfectly conveys the essence of good business communication. You, as a business person, must be an audience expert in order to shape your message effectively.
All too often I find when coaching my business writing clients, they’re just too focussed on the product or the service they offer rather than on their audience’s needs. I remind them that whether you’re crafting an email, a proposal, or a report, your writing will only connect with your audience when it’s done with her or him in mind.
It’s not unlike the business person who knows that their written communications aren’t hitting the targets, but still believes that as long as the words “Thanks for reaching out” start each email the jargon will have some kind of positive impact. But you can’t communicate effectively through the use of meaningless phrases. You need to have something of substance to say, and you need to know who you are saying it to.
Here are a few tips that will help you be “an audience expert.”
How to Become an Audience Expert in Your Business Writing
1/Start at the End: In other words, know your goal. If you want to sell your service to a specific company, do your research in order to understand that company’s needs. Determine the kind of people you will be writing to. Then, tailor your message accordingly. A business manager in a car dealership, for example, may have different needs than a business manager in a boutique cannabis company.
2/Don’t Write a Word: At least, not at first! Make sure to give yourself the time to consider what you’ve learned about your audience. Think about how to approach them in a respectful manner (i.e., by showing that you understand something about their business and the challenges they face). Avoid slipping into inside-industry jargon, or phrases that “everyone uses.” You can’t make a strong impression with templates, or carelessly written materials.
3/ Embrace “The Three Ps”: In business communication you need to be powerful, persuasive, and precise.
Of course, the above three points are just a starting point along the path of being an audience expert. Writing powerful business communications is harder than it looks! It’s also not something typically taught in school, which is part of the reason so many people struggle with crafting good business writing.
But think of it this way, if you’re going to email a friend, you probably know the kinds of words and the tone your friend will expect and respond to. When you banter with colleagues at work, you probably know the kind of jokes and quips that they like.
It’s no different when you send an email/report/pitch to a prospective client. True, you don’t have a personal relationship — yet. But with a little research and thought you can get some ideas of how best to make your approach. And remember, it’s not you, it’s them!
Schedule a 30 Minute Complimentary Meeting to meet Sandra via phone or video. Find out if you both are a good fit to work together. Come to the call with your questions and what business communications challenges you’d like to get help with.